Home » GVRO / Red Flag / Domestic Violence Restraining Orders – Los Angeles Ventura County

If you are subject to a GVRO, Red Flag Law, or Domestic Violence Restraining Order get legal help immediately!  

Failure to follow the requirements of the Gun Restraining Order portions of your case can result in serious criminal penalties.

We have a Licensed Firearm Dealer we work closely with who can store your firearms in compliance with California law so you have the best possible chance of getting them back at the end of your case.  

What is a Gun Violence Restraining Order?  [aka: Red Flag Law]

California “Red Flag Laws” allow courts to issue a Firearms Restraining Order that prohibits someone from having a gun or ammunition.  These court orders can come from Gun Violence Restraining Orders, Domestic Violence Restraining Orders, or other California “Red Flag” laws.   

Under these laws the courts can order someone to:

  • Not have a gun or ammunition;
  • Not buy a gun or ammunition; and
  • Turn in any guns and ammunition to the police, sell them to or store them with a licensed gun dealer.

These court orders are mandatory in all California Domestic Violence and Civil Harassment Restraining Orders.

The police can seek a Firearms Emergency Protective Order if someone poses an immediate and present danger of causing personal injury to himself/herself, or to another person.  The officer will take the person’s firearms and ammunition while giving them a copy of the order.

Individuals can ask a court for a GVRO if the police (or other law enforcement agency) will not do it. 

Individuals who can request a GVRO typically include:

  • A spouse or domestic partner
  • Parents, children, siblings, grandparents, grandchildren and their spouses (including stepparents or stepgrandparents)
  • A spouse’s parents, children, siblings, grandparents and grandchildren
  • Any person who regularly lives in a household now, or within the past 6 months.

Once the court issues (makes) a restraining order, it goes into a statewide computer system. This means that law enforcement officers across California can see there is a restraining order in place.

The court will schedule a special hearing to confirm all firearms, parts, and ammunition are turned over to a law enforcement agency or a licensed gun dealer.

A licensed gun dealer will charge you transfer and storage fees but you will have a much better chance of getting your firearms back at the conclusion of your case.

What a Firearms Restraining Order CANNOT Do:

A firearms restraining order will NOT order the restrained person to:

  • Stay away from you or your family members;
  • Not contact or go near you, your children, other relatives, or others who live with you; and
  • Move out of your house.

If you need protection for yourself or a family member you will need to ask for one of the following:

  • Domestic violence restraining orders, for protection from people you were involved with romantically at some point or close family members.
  • Civil harassment restraining orders, for protection from a stalker, neighbors, roommates, coworkers, or more distant family members like cousins, uncles/aunts, etc.
  • Elder or dependent adult abuse restraining order, if the person being abused is 65 or older, or between 18 and 64 and a dependent adult.
  • Workplace violence restraining order, filed by an employer to protect an employee from violence, stalking, or harassment by another person.

How long does the firearms restraining order last?

If the court makes a temporary restraining order, it will last until your court hearing (about 21 days). At the court hearing, if the judge grants the request, a firearms restraining order will last for one to five years depending on the order requested.